Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 4

Last night, after concluding that the only way I'd hit anywhere near my calorie goal would be to wake up early enough to eat breakfast, I set my alarm. I found it harder to go to sleep last night knowing that I would be waking early but when I finally slept, it was a sound sleep and I woke up this morning in an excellent mood! I swear the birds were singing, the sun was shining and I felt amazing! A little ache and pain here but they were rewarding pains. The pains that told me that I was getting healthier and my body was appreciative. I wanted to sing, "THE HILLS ARE ALIVE..." but I was stunted by the fact that my husband wouldn't appreciate being woken up by the sound of my screeching a Julie Andrews medley.

I made the yummiest breakfast and sat down to get the video ready for my morning Yoga. Suddenly, I felt a tightness in my shoulders and feet. Not in the muscles as much as the pain was in my skin. I felt like I had ripped each and every molecule and there was a strong fire in my movement. "What!? What's this!? Oh no no no!" I thought out loud only to realize that David was just behind me waiting for a morning kiss. That was fun explaining.

I've come to the conclusion that while I'm trying to twist and contort to keep up with the uppity skinny girls in these work out videos, I've probably moved in some odd way not right for my body. I sincerely need to find a "fat girl workout." Something that is more appropriate for my rolls to be doing. Wrapping up like a pretzel just isn't feasible when you have a chubby tub of fun. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Otherwise, it's been a pretty uneventful day. I did some cardio and then I learned how to "Dougie." And did the cha cha slide with the kids for a bit. And now, it's time for bed.

Day 4:
Weight: 273
Outlook: Cheery
Breakfast: 1 small (4 in in diameter) pancake, berries with light cool whip and 3 egg whites scrambled with 2 TB of cheese! SO YUMMY!

1 comment:

  1. I read a while ago about this woman in austin who runs yoga for the hefty crowd. I don't know if she's expanded to include videos or anything. She's probably on google.
    I've got turbo beachbody and its great but you will have to modify. Xbox kinect has a a biggest loser activity game I've heard good things about. Keep your head up!
    Those days when eating schedule is off because the routine is interrupted or family visits etc are hard! Don't let it throw you.
