Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 2

I am about 45 minutes into day 2 and I only have one question. "Is it premature of me to think I'm dying?" HOLY TOLEDO!

My dear, loving husband woke me up this morning after my alarm had been going off for seven minutes. I might have broken my phone at some point because my alarm sounds a little like a cricket leaping off into outer space only to be stunted by the sudden splat of a passing car's windshield. I turned, moved stretched a little bit and I forgot that I have muscles in the back of my knees.

Indeed, the pain of the morning has set in. I have a nagging charlie horse in my right leg, a migraine and oddly, my shoulders are hurting. I think at this point that boobs were definitely a "Manly God's" invention. If a woman had invented these suckers, they'd be detachable for exercising purposes. Wanda Sykes talks a little about having a detachable vagina, I'm thinking I'd add boobs to that concept as well. Just take the boobs off, place them in a box under the bed and go for a jog. I'm sure we'd see a lot less black eyes that way.

So my day starts now. I'm trying to figure out how to cook Smoked Salmon so that I can boost my protein for the day with a healthy start out the door. I'm thinking I'll squeeze in a little yoga. I've heard that it helps in situations like I'm currently in and then I'm out the door for an interview. Wish me luck!

Day 2:
Weight: 273 (I think I'll weigh in weekly from now on)
Outlook: It's too early to tell
Breakfast: Smoked Salmon, Egg Whites and an apple.

1 comment:

  1. Saw the link for this blog on WWAP on FB. I'm in the same boat...I'm 33, 278 and can't get pregnant. I feel like I shouldn't have to change to have a baby because I've never changed and shed pounds to accomplish anything else! I do realize it's shaving years off of my life but why on earth is this the only way to go?
    I'm going to try and keep up with you and check in with you often. Best of luck and I hope you find some good recipes to make it go down a little better.
    PS: Watch Hungry Girl on the cooking channels and she has some good ones...even if they only call for "one artificial sweetner packet"
